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/FAQ/Technology Related/Q. Why does ccHDTV adopt DVB-T, not other DVB standard?

Q. Why does ccHDTV adopt DVB-T, not other DVB standard?

The DVB standard includes many parts, for example, DVB-T for terrestrial broadcast, DVB-S for satellite broadcast, and DVB-C for broadcast in cable. Among all parts, why does ccHDTV adopt DVB-T?

Because DVB-T is more robust than DVB-S or DVB-C. In addition,
(1) DVB-T supports both wireless and cable transmission.
(2) DVB-T can cope with multi-path fading, while DVB-S and DVB-C cannot.
(3) DVB-T is less sensitive to cable quality
(4) DVB-T receivers are more easily available and less expensive than other receivers.